Welcome Bay is a community located in the eastern area of Tauranga City. The Welcome Bay area can be defined broadly as the area located from the intersection of Welcome Bay Road and Welcome Bay, including Kairua Road. There has been participation in the development of this Plan from areas surrounding Welcome Bay, including Maungatapu, Hairini, Ohauiti, and Poike.
The Welcome Bay area is characterised by its location alongside te Tahuna o Rangataua, with well-established residential areas alongside the harbour edge and inland. Since the 1990’s significant new subdivisions have seen development further south from the harbour, taking advantage of the stunning views out to the harbour and beyond. The largely rural area of Ngapeke is mainly used for farming purposes (orchards and dairy) and has a significant presence by local Maori. Welcome Bay Road provides the only access into Welcome Bay from the east and with Kairua Road to the west provides two access roads from the western end of the suburb, with three main connector roads providing access south into the Welcome Bay hills. There is one main commercial area in Welcome Bay and several schools that provide for early education, primary, intermediate and kura kaupapa Maori education. Parks are dotted throughout the suburb providing a network of open spaces for recreation and amenity. There is a large community centre in the heart of Welcome Bay that has kindly agreed to host our Foodback meetings. Thanks to Anna, Dana and the entire team in Welcome Bay for your interest in, and support of, this project!